wifi streaming media from pc <-> android

I recommend you to use VLC Direct v 7.1. Visit the links from your android phone. VLC Direct v 7.1 ( http://market.android.com/search?q=pname:com.vlcdirect.vlcdirect )

This is really a great app if you want to watch your favorite movie via your android gadget's screen, while having the file in your pc.

Its really easy to setup, with straightforward 2 steps tutorial provided once u have installed the app in android.

Just make sure your android is connected to the same network of your pc (i.e. Same wifi network) and you have the vlc player installed in your pc.

All you need to do just follow instructions on your android, and run auto-configuration wizard.

If you experiencing delay in the streamed video, try to tweak the setting (i.e. Cache, video bitrate, audio bitrate). I increased mine to the highest value for birate, and cache to 2000. It solved the issue and work flawlessly for me on my samsung galaxy note!

ohyea... I sell off my htc desire and bought a samsung galaxy note. Will write brief review bout it later, still busy with this awesome Samsung Galaxy Note ;-)

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